300% to 630% biomass increase in just 6 days

John Ericsson, the inventor of the “BioStim” research system believes Our electromagnetic growth research may result in creating more than a 300% plus increase in land- based commercial and space station biomass production of pure oxygen, biofuels and nutrients.

The 20-month Renewable Energy and Efficiency Technology (REET) research project was directed by Dr. Ashvini Chauhan at Florida A&M University, which focused on growing a special blend of Florida alga biomass while studying the interaction of rare-earth magnet powered energy with artificial sunlight utilizing Ericsson’s USA patented“BioStim” electromagnetic biostimulation research system that substantially increased alga biomass production.

Dr. Chauhan’s team creatively grew energy rich micro-algae with bacteria in wastewater and nutrients obtained from a local Tallahassee sewage treatment plant.

Mr. Bobby Edwards, REET research supervisor at FAMU, last August reported a 630% biomass increase in just 6 days utilizing BioStim rare-earth magnets to power the required biomass growth stimulation.

Applied Research Associates in Panama City, Florida (ARA) conducted their proprietary hydrothermal liquification process to convert the FAMU produced wet-algae biomass directly into bio-oil.

The final REET report issued January 2021 stated:

“Microalgae holds an immense potential for production of biodiesel, food, drugs and other value-added bio-products. When algae growth is coupled to nutrients present in chlorinated influent wastewater from a sewage treatment plant plus electromagnetic biostimulation “BioStim” this combination becomes a very cost efficient and environmentally sustainable technology for the future of mankind’s survival on Earth, space exploration and a Mars colony. This process can reduce waste treatment facility chemicals (SRP, NH4, NOx) discharged into rivers and coastal zones resulting in alga blooms and red tides.”

(Note: Consumption of waste CO2 via alga also results in the production of pure oxygen)

How it Happened

AlgaStar Inc., won a $1.0 million State of Florida and three participants funded, 20-month (REET) research grant in 2018 with Florida A&M University (FAMU), NASA at Kennedy Space Center and ARA, a leading USR&D engineering firm.

Additionally, in 2018, BioStim Inc., as an affiliate of AlgaStar Inc., received its third year of technical assistance from Los Alamos National Laboratory through the New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program (NMSBA) to further develop their 2020 USA patented “BioStim” electromagnetic biostimulation research system.

NASA Space Center participants have expressed interest in the potential of electromagnetic biostimulation for use in conversion of CO2 into pure O2 for long-term space travel and for future Mars exploration and human inhabitation.

Investment opportunities available.

For more information on

AlgaStar Inc. & BioStim

Please email: info@algastar.com

See:  www.algastar.com